Jean-François Lamour - vertaling naar frans
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Jean-François Lamour - vertaling naar frans

Jean-Francois Lamour; Jean François Lamour; Jean Lamour

Jean-François Lamour         
Jean-François Lamour (born in 1956), French Minister of Sport; Degree in chemistry, Diploma in physiotherapy


·noun Duration.


Jean-François Lamour

Jean-François Lamour (born 2 February 1956, Paris) is a former French fencer and current French politician and cabinet minister. As a fencer, Lamour has made multiple athletic achievements, the most note-worthy being making world championship in 1987. He won one bronze, two silver, and two gold medals in sabre Olympic events between 1984 and 1988.

Retiring, he entered politics serving as the sports and youth counsellor to the Mayor of Paris from 1993 to 1995. In 2002, he became the minister of sport, and in 2004, he was given responsibility for youth in addition to this.

He's married to Dr. Isabelle Spennato, a former French fencer and current president of the French Fencing Federation.

Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor Jean-François Lamour
1. Le ministre des Sports, Jean–François Lamour, s‘y opposait.
2. Il y avait Jean–François Lamour, mais il s‘est désisté ŕ la surprise générale.
3. "Une grande championne nous a quittés", a déclaré le ministre français des Sports, Jean–François Lamour.
4. Maintenant, je suis heureux pour eux", a commenté Jean–François Lamour, habitué des joutes sportives.
5. Il n‘y a pas de scandale», renchérit Jean–François Lamour, ŕ l‘époque ministre des Sports.